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Writer's pictureFurry Potatoes

Reasons to Consider Older Guinea Pigs

Baby Guinea Pigs are super cute and it’s lovely to watch them grow up. However, rescues are absolutely bursting with older Guinea Pigs and here are a few reasons why you should consider them….

* Guinea Pigs can easily live 7-8 years if not more, so you’ll still have many years with your furry friend.

*Age is just a number for Guinea Pigs. Due to variations in genetics and previous lifestyle etc., the age of a Guinea Pig doesn’t actually tell you a lot about their health and condition. Some piggies start acting very old and doddery around 4, whilst some are very active and bouncy well into their later years.

* Adult Guinea Pigs have developed their own personalities, so you will know exactly what kind of piggy you are adopting. Do you want some that are already super confident? Or a more laid-back pair?

* Handling is easier! Babies are super fast and can be super wiggly! If you or your child isn’t that confident in handling, an adult Guinea Pig is definitely the way to go. They are much easier to catch and handle.

* Stable bonds. If you are concerned about potential fighting, choosing a pair that have been living together for years is a much safer bet.

* Most importantly, you would be providing a loving home for some Guinea pigs who have probably been overlooked in rescue many times.



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